TYPICAL PRODUCTS MOLISEList of typical products Molise. All the typical products from Molise , all the producers of ltypical products from Molise and all the typical Molise products distributors. Also we talk about the typical dishes from Molise in order to give a comprehensive overview of food and wine of this region. You will also find those that sell typical products Molise online.

Molise is undoubtedly a small region, but despite being small has the typical field respectable gourmet.

The salami in this region have a particular relevance. The sausage is typical Molise sagicciotto then we have the liver sausage and headcheese. Other charcuterie in the Molise region is ventricina with chilli and herbs d.

There are many olive groves in the Marches that produce an excellent extra virgin olive oil. Consequently Molise mills produce something that is definitely among the cataloged typical products Molise.

Molise is strewn with many dairies that are primarily concerned with the processing of cow's milk. In this way they get excellent caciocavallo, butter, manteche and scamorza.

Even fruit and vegetable production is important; in this region there are great producers of fruits and vegetables that after producing distribute throughout Italy.

The Molise cuisine is mainly the result of agricultural traditions, especially in the inland areas and the coastal strip has the upper cooking seafood.

One of the smallest regions of Italy but rich delicatessen.  Typical products Molise differ.

Among the first Molise dishes served: cavatelli, rice and cabbage, the nettle soup, and the fascadielle the crioli with nuts.

Among the latter typical Molise dishes we recommend: the Molise tripe, magliatiƩlle, the larduocchi, pork rinds and beans and stuffed leg of lamb. You can also try the mollicato cod, the goat to the Molise and casce lamb and eggs.

Among the desserts of Molise noteworthy I am the black pudding, the mpiggna, almond cake, the turnovers to the must and filled wafers.

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