Restaurants Molise

Restaurants MoliseRestaurants Molise is the list of all the restaurants in Molise divided by province to provide the user a selection of everything the area has to offer in the culinary field. We are trying to offer detailed guide to restaurants Molise which in turn are divided by type.

List of best restaurants Molise divided by province and cities to provide the visitor with a detailed culinary guide around the Molisa.

What it is proposed in the restaurants Molise is a very varied cuisine that offers, according to the Ministry of Agriculture of 159 traditional food products. Among the most interesting products, there are varieties of extra virgin olive oil from the sweet flavor consumed raw on salads. The excellent production of the product has earned oil Molise, in 2003, the DOP. Another typical product of this region of Molise is the bread that retains its ancient productive machining.

The restaurants offer Molise among the starters excellent cheeses and locally produced meats. Among the cheeses are offered the cheese in different qualities, the braid of Santa Croce di Magliano and mozzarella Bojan. Details are buffalo mozzarella produced DOP in the town of Venafro. As for the local sausages, we are served the brawn, the neck, sausage and ventricina.

Restaurants Molise: Sublime dishes.

The typical dish perhaps most appreciated is the Termoli fish soup made with nine or ten fish quality. This wonderful dish is prepared with cuttlefish, red mullet, sole, dogfish, frog, cobs, redfish, cod and shellfish. The species of fish also vary according to the season in which you can savor the broth. Another traditional dish always present in Molise Molise restaurants is the pampanella. A plate of cooked pork in the oven with some spice and very sweet and spicy chili.

The use of truffle is increasingly widespread throughout the region, having now obtained from the long earth. Molise The restaurants also offer delicious desserts such as stationery. They are similar to the German waffle, but with the addition of fennel seeds. Other sweets are the Molise piccillati. Ravioli are baked stuffed with black cherry jam, and the pine cone, similar to panettone but lighter. It is traditionally prepared for Easter. The caragnoli and rosacatarle or rosacatarre, dipped in honey, they are typical Christmas sweets.

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    AGRITURISMO LA QUERCIA CAMPOBASSO is located in Contrada Querce Grosse in Montenero di Bisaccia, in the province of Campobasso and is the realization of the common dream of Roberta and Onelio who passionately gave new life to the ancient family farm. Today is one of the best farms of Molise ideal for a relaxing holiday […]