TYPICAL PRODUCTS CAMPANIAList of typical products Campania, of all its manufacturers and distributors. This category includes both the typical products of Campania, both producers of typical products from Campania but also includes those involved in the distribution of these. Do not forget also those that sell typical products Campania online.

Campania is surely known mainly for its mozzarella but the amount of typical of this region are countless specialties. This is not because the number of products but for its gastronomic processing and its cuisine.

Surely to fully know the specialties bells the best way is to go to visit it and to enjoy its products at the time of production. Enjoy a freshly made mozzarella it is something that you can hardly forget. Like mozzarella from Campania there are other typical products that are renowned all the way as its oil, San Marzano tomatoes basic ingredients for the famous pizza.

Neapolitan pizza is something in every corner of the world is known and appreciated. In every corner of the world you will find a Neapolitan pizzaiolo from Naples or ready to make you relive those flavors.

Typical products Campania and the typical products Campania online come from a land rich in tradition and authenticity.

The Amalfi Coast is famous not only for its beauty for its lemons from which you get the fragrant limoncello.

As for the cheeses, the typical products Campania , the Campania region is distinguished by the string cheese, where buffalo mozzarella is the host. Other productions dairy bells are caciocavallo and provolone del Monaco.

As for the salami from Campania, we can find sausages, brawn, coppa, pancetta. Perhaps the real specialties of Campania between the salami is salami Napoli, lightly smoked; the Pietraroja ham.

Other typical products Campania in the horticultural field in addition to Sa Marzano and oil, already mentioned above, are the Sorrento lemons and artichokes of Paestum in addition to the white fig of Cilento.

Let us not forget the famous sweets of Campania including Neapolitan pastries is the queen. Also impossible not know the Baba or Strufoli or Cannoli alla sorrentina.

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    AZIENDA AGRICOLA IZZO LUIGI is located in via Gioia in San Salvatore Telesino in the province of Benevento. One of the best farms of the Campania that following the rural character of the area and passion for fruit growing is dedicated in production of peaches, cherries and apples in addition to the traditional vegetable of […]

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    CANTINE DI TUFO are based in Parolise in the province of Avellino in Campania. Michele and Gianni La Marca, father and son, descended from a family of winemakers from Naples have decided to establish their company and to personally follow every aspect of production, from harvest to market in an area stretching from Naples Irpinia, home […]

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    The Head Office of the Company CALIENDO PIETRO is located in Palma Campania, in the province of Naples and at the foot of Monte Sant’Angelo. The Company Pietro Caliendo is a solid company that with the passion for good and genuine products made a profession, engaging in the ongoing search for local producers of quality. […]